Establishing a pet store business could be ideal for animal lovers with a creative, entrepreneurial orientation. A pet store can be a very profitable business, in addition to the pleasure and emotional gratification of dealing with a clientele of furry, beaked, and feathery pets.

Starting a pet business is not only a terrific way to start a business, but it might also turn out to be your ideal job if you enjoy working with animals.

The pet store business is one of the most rewarding employment options because it meets your financial demands and gives you a positive sensation.

In fact, banks and NBFCs provide pet loan that can help you grow your pet day care.

Here are a few basic things you need to keep in mind to open a pet shop in India.

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Registration for a pet shop

Section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Store) Rules, 2016, makes it illegal to operate a pet shop or other corporate entity engaging with animals without first obtaining a registration certificate.

This rule emphasizes the need to get a GST registration certificate and requires that you prominently display the certificate in stores.

Registration eligibility 

The person attempting to register their pet shop will be:

  • Should be above 18 years
  • Sound minded
  • If an individual alludes to an association/corporation/company, that association/corporation/company must get fully registered with the law.

MSME business loan for pet shops

A pet shop loan is a small business loan that groomers and pet daycare companies apply and expand their businesses. Pet shop financing is a terrific method to cover the costs of your pet’s medical treatment, grooming, and boarding.

Loan offering companies have placed the entire application procedure online to make applying for a pet loan plan quick and easy.

Some companies additionally offer same-day approvals and disbursements for loans for MSME within three days of receiving and verifying the paperwork.

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MSME Loan eligibility criteria

Pet store loan eligibility conditions are straightforward to make the loan available to many business owners.

  • A well-established pet daycare with more than a two-year track record of success
  • The preceding year’s annual revenue should at least be Rs. Ten lakhs.
  • There must be no preset history in the company.
  • More than Rs. 1.5 lakhs in income tax should get filed in the previous year.
  • The borrower must be the owner of a home or a business.

Documents necessary for a pet daycare business loan include the following:

For a loan for MSME, reputable companies don’t require a large number of records; instead, they only need the following:

  • A 12-month bank statement.
  • Proof of business license.
  • Pan Card.
  • Aadhar card
  • The past two years’ ITR.

Application form

You must submit an application in the form attached to First scheduled, including a non-refundable cost of Rs 5,000/-, to the state board for registration. Every unique foundation that needs to be registered needs an individual application.

Basic rules to know

In India, new pet shop guidelines establishing criteria for animal housing and care were implemented. The rules, if properly applied, might put an end to the terrible practices that abound in the pet shop industry. 

Following a series of submissions by Humane Society International/India and People for Animals, the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change published the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules, 2018 in response to the cruelty seen in the pet shop business.

Pet store guidelines are incorporated in law to ensure human animal treatment and to control these commercialized enterprises. Section 38 of the 1960 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act got used to draught these restrictions.

You require operational characteristics such as licenses and registration of pet businesses for such control.

The following are some of the essential elements of these rules:

  • Without a registration certificate from the appropriate State Animal Welfare Board, no one can open a pet shop or engage in the trade of pet animals. Within 60 days of the effective date of these rules, anyone who already owns or operates a pet store may apply for registration.
  • Any pet business without a valid registration and GST registration certificate, or a person who fails to apply for one within a defined period, shall be closed down. Authority must deliver animals seized from such shops to a Board-approved animal protection group.
  • Upon acceptance of the application, an approved veterinarian will inspect the pet stores that got registered with the Board. The State Board will continue the registration after it is satisfied that the person and the institution meet the criteria of these rules.
  • The guidelines include requirements for accommodations, infrastructure, housing, general care, veterinary care, and other operating needs. These include removing wire mesh from the cage flooring, a veterinary care certificate for every pet for sale, and a written activity regimen for each puppy above 16 weeks of age.
  • Every pet shop owner must keep a record book with the names and addresses of pet animal breeders and suppliers and trade transactions and their details. Customers who purchase pet animals must also keep track of their purchases. The “mortality register” and the “health register” are two more records you must preserve.
  • If a complaint is received alleging noncompliance with these rules by pet shop owners, an investigation will be performed by the local authorities or the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). 
  • Animals mistreated or sick must be taken away and treated by a qualified animal care group. Any expenditure incurred for the diagnosis and services of such animals is the responsibility of the pet store owner.
  • If the State Board finds problems during the inspection, the owners will notice the cause. In case of any dissatisfaction with the response or no reply from the owners, the State Board may terminate the registration and notify the shareholders in the letter. The pet business may be closed or its registration restored, depending on the circumstances.
  • Every licensed pet store owner must file an annual report with the State Board describing the overall number of animals exchanged, boarded, or displayed in the preceding year.
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Bottom line

The pet store’s market opportunity is already rather significant, and nothing can stop you if you plan things out properly from an entrepreneurial standpoint. 

ZipLoan has made it an easier path for small businesses to get a loan for MSME. Take this opportunity and begin your pet shop journey today with easy loans for MSME by ZipLoan!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is owning a pet store profitable in India?

The pet food business in India is close to Rs 250 crore while other services such as pet vacation facility, pet psychology to handling pet behaviour, pet grooming, styling and pet insurance among others are already generating revenues of Rs 100 crore or more.

How much does it cost to start a pet store?

Initial costs for pet store startups vary greatly. Product resellers usually need Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh to get started, although home-based sellers can get away with much less.

How do I start a pet shop?

Here is how to open a pet shop:
1) Start a Plan
2) Know the Law
3) Pick a Location
4) Register Your Business
5) Get Your Licenses and Tax Numbers
6) Get an Accountant
7) Get Your Equipment
8) Hire Employees to Assist You

Is pet food a profitable business?

The pet food business can be highly profitable business because it is seen that pet food business owners can see a profit margin as high as 40 to 50%. The exact business margin might depend on how large it grows and how successful it is, but you can easily make a lot of money by providing high-end pet foods.

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