Udyog Aadhar Registration has replaced the MSME registration process in India and is mandatory for small and medium enterprises. The reason for launching this registration process was to reduce the paperwork involved in the existing MSME registration process. After its introduction in 2015, the MSME registration has turned absolutely easy and can be done both online and offline.

In the MSME registration scheme, the business owner was required to fill the Entrepreneurship Memorandum I and II with the District Industrial Center. However, with Udyog Aadhar, these memorandums are replaced by Udyog Aadhar Memorandum. For this registration, some personal documents as well as some other business related documentss are required.

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Udyog Aadhar Registration is presented by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises under Government of India. It is a 12-digit unique number which allows various benefits under government schemes. For instance, low interest business loans, bank transactions, etc. Also known as Aadhar for business, Udyog Aadhar can be termed as an Aadhar Card for the enterprise.

Over 48 lakh MSME was Udyog registered by 2018 in India. It is often cited that a businessman cannot cancel or delete the registration but can only modify it, which is rather not true. There is no online mechanism but an offline procedure which helps in canceling the registration.

See also  Udyog Aadhar Registration: How to Do It Online & What are its Benefits?

Read on to know the step-by-step procedure for registration cancellation.

Udyog Aadhar Registration Center

udyog aadhar registration

also read: udyog Aadhar Registration: How to do it Online?

The first step is to find the Udyog Aadhar Center which is usually District Industrial Center. Every state generally has a center. The businessman has to get the registration cancellation form. In case the business owner is not able to find the address, he can look for the same in Udyog Aadhar Registration Certificate. He can get other contact details as well from there.

Application for Cancellation

The next step is to write an application to the Center specifying the details of the business activities whose registration you want to cancel. It is also important to specify the reason for the same.

Required Documents

udyog aadhar

also read: how is aadhar connected to easy business loans?

There is no specific list of documents required for registration cancellation. But, the business owner must provide the cancellation form, original Udyog Aadhaar Card, bank details, etc. it is advised to keep the original as well as photocopies of these documents.


If the application and other documents meet all the requirements, the businessman can request an acknowledgement letter from the officer-in-charge, District Industrial Center. This acknowledgment letter is important and can be required in the near future.

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