Thinking about why you need a high ranking website? Here’s a question for you, “Which is the best place to hide a dead body? The answer is “Second Page of Google”.

This is a very popular joke you can find online. It might look funny, but it conveys a very deep meaning. It emphasizes the need for any business to have a high ranking website.high ranking website So, if you are not on the first page of Google, the chances of customers finding your website become bleak. Let us see how to make your website rank higher in search engines.

Basics of SEO:

If you carefully peruse the first page of the Google local search engine results, you will find three different categories of search results. They are Paid Ad listing, Google My Business listing, and Organic search listing.

high ranking website
Source: HostUcan

A high ranking website should aim to be at the top of each of these three listings. For our small business online listing, we shall concentrate on the organic search practices to achieve a high ranking website.

Five Strategies for a high ranking website:

Content marketing is the key: Nothing can beat content marketing as far as strategies for improving search ranking is concerned. High-quality content has tremendous value. But, is writing good content alone enough? No, you need to market it as well. One of the secrets of having a high ranking website is to market your content on authority websites like Quora, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. You can have a backlink straight from the authority website to the main anchor content on your website.

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Have a fast loading website: Do you think that the customer has time to wait until eternity for your web pages to load? Therefore, it makes sense to invest in tools like Google’s Page Speed or GTMetrix, etc to gain insights on improving your page loading speed. A high ranking website invariably has to be a fast loading website. Google places a lot of importance on user experience while ranking web pages. Improving your page speed is one way of gaining more traffic.

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Go Mobile: More than 75% of people all over the world use their mobiles and other alternate devices to search on the internet. The days of desktops and laptops are becoming extinct. Hence, having a great mobile presence is essential for a high ranking website. Invest in a responsive website. Google has become very particular in this regard nowadays. They place greater emphasis on websites having an exclusive mobile presence while ranking them in the search engine. Focusing on Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP) can help in ensuring the pages load faster on your mobiles. This is a vital feature of a high ranking website.

Video Content is a must: A picture can say it better than a thousand words. Similarly, a video can say what a hundred pictures cannot.

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high ranking website
Source: Vimeo

Imagine the contribution quality video content can make to a high ranking website. You have popular video platforms like YouTube and others. Leveraging the powers of video content is important for any website to have a high ranking on the search pages.

Social media engagement: No business can ever afford to disregard the value of social media engagement in improving search ranking. The higher the number of likes, shares, and comments you get on your social media posts, the higher is your engagement rate. This translates into a higher volume of website traffic. Automatically, your website becomes a high ranking website.


Having a high ranking website is the ultimate goal for any small business. You do not want to be on a page where nobody searches for you. These five strategies can help you achieve this objective.

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