“Picture abhi baanki hai mere dost’, this filmy line can be applicable to most of the ‘movies about business’. These movies remind businessmen about the tough times when orders did not arrive or suppliers did not send goods. If you’re a small businessman you will probably remember the times when Working Capital was low or critical machinery had stopped functioning. In such times, the hope for better days is what pushes any businessman forward. These movies about business can teach us how to march through tough times if we choose to receive the lessons.

Here’s a list of movies about business that will be inspirational for any small businessman:


source: scoopwhoop

Loosely based on the life of Dhirubhai Ambani, Guru is one of the movies about business, which chronicles the rise of an ambitious young man. Gurukant Desai starts with a small clothes shop which he sets up after much resistance from the trader’s lobby. He then goes on to manufacture polyester and creates a new market for his product. Guru’s perseverance and innovation propel him to the top. For anyone looking for some lessons on innovation and vision, Guru is one of the best movies about business.

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movies about business

Corporate deals with ‘bitter rivalry’ which is a very common situation faced by businessmen. Most often, the rivals of a small businessman are located right next door and not in some other state or country. Corporate shows how the rivalry between two businessmen: Vinay Sehgal and Dharmesh Marwah, becomes a no holds barred competition. Both the businessmen forgo ethics and good business practices in an attempt to outdo each other. Corporate is one of those ‘movies about business’ that conveys an important message. The message is that one must never indulge in wrong practices for business gains as it can harm their businesses reputation and brand in the long run. Quite a few movies about business like Wolf of Wall Street advocate a similar message.

Rocket Singh

movies about business

Any small businessman will agree that selling a product is the toughest part of running a business. Though many movies about business have tried to portray this, Rocket Singh does so in a unique style. The audience is taken into the cutthroat world of sales where targets are paramount. Harpreet Singh (Ranbir Kapoor) realizes the inefficiencies of his company (AYS) and starts running his own sales business on the side. Due to a better understanding of customer requirements, Harpreet’s company ‘Rocket Sales‘ achieves great success because he provides excellent and responsive service to his customers. ‘Rocket Singh’ is one of the top movies about business and holds important lessons about teamwork and adaptability. The importance of customer service can also be seen in this movie.

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Swades: One of the return to your roots movies about business

movies about business

There’s a popular phrase called ‘Think Global Act Local’. This is of great relevance to businessmen since many of them find inspiring business ideas on their foreign trips. Swades teaches an important lesson i.e. ‘innovation is nothing without implementation’. Mohan, played by Shah Rukh Khan is a scientist at NASA who realizes that his knowledge would have a far greater ground level impact in an Indian village than at NASA. The hydroelectric plant he constructs for Charanpur represents the difference innovation and resourcefulness can bring even in a small town. This is one of the best movies about business as it teaches any aspiring businessman with big dreams, to look at his own backyard for the next innovative product.

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By watching these movies about business success, one is sure to find learn some important tips about business. Most of these movies on business management hold important lessons for small businessmen.

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