An unsecured machinery loan is availed to buy new machinery or upgrade it to the new version in order to increase production and thereby sales and profits. A machinery loan without security is offered by many lenders in India and on different terms and conditions. And therefore, it is important to know a few considerations before applying for an unsecured machinery loan to make a sound decision. In this blog, we shall discuss the considerations to make before applying for an unsecured machinery loan.

Apply for Machinery Loan

The inception of a small business is related to the vision of productive output and good revenue generation. Nevertheless, in order to sustain and grow positively, a business owner looks to avail external funds in terms of the business loan. These funds can be used for various purposes, from increasing working capital to buying new machinery.

Having the right and upgraded machinery is very useful for a business. It can help the employees to automate their tasks which will help them complete the assigned tasks in lesser time. Well-equipped machinery also helps in increased production and thereby, increased human resource effectiveness.

So, to get new machinery and equipment for effective production, a business owner might consider availing an unsecured machinery loan. An unsecured machinery loan is the one which is offered without security. The business owner is not required to provide any collateral to avail loan for machinery purchase.

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However, before availing a machinery loan, there are a few prerequisites that a business owner must consider to make a right choice. Let’s take a look at some of these considerations in depth:

Identify Needs

Unsecured business loan

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The businessman must be well-informed about the business loan requirements. In case there is an existing setup of machinery, check its production capacity and measure the exact upgrade it requires. This will help to access the exact requirement for up-gradation. In addition, the businessman will also be able to access if there is any need for new machinery or just up-gradation will work.

In addition to identifying needs, the businessman must also search for the right machinery or equipment that will suit his business. He must perform extensive research on the machinery and its maximum output. Once its identification, an unsecured machinery loan can be availed.

Space Requirements

unsecured business loan

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Purchasing machinery also means that there should be enough space in the office for it and let is work efficiently. In case there is no space, the businessman can lease machinery. However, if he is planning to buy machinery, then he must know the blueprint of where to place machinery or equipment.

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It is suggested to decide in advance where the machinery will be placed. And there must be no compromise on the allocation of space for it.

Machinery Requirement

unsecured business loan

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Upon deciding the kind of machinery required, the next step is to comprehend if there is a need for new machinery or used one. It’s the time to take a call on the state of the machinery and if a properly maintained old machinery will do or not. However, it is suggested if a businessman is planning to install machinery which will run for years, buying new machinery is the right option.

Machinery Financing

Machinery Requirement

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An unsecured business loan can be availed under two options- either the businessman will get lump sum money (standard term) or line of credit. If the businessman is sure about how much the machinery will cost, opt for a standard loan. In addition, a standard loan can also be paid in equal EMIs with a specific repayment tenure.

Calculate EMIs

unsecured business loan
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The businessman must calculate the EMIs and the machinery loan interest rate. This will help in calculating if he will be able to repay the loan or not. The businessman can take the help of machinery loan EMI calculator. In addition to the above said, he must also choose the repayment tenure wisely. Notably, a longer tenure will offer easy EMIs but will increase interest cost whereas shorter tenure will decrease interest cost but increase the EMI amount. So, the tenure must be chosen carefully.

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Now that you know the considerations to make before availing an unsecured machinery loan, you can make a sound choice.

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