Credit history or credit score is an important factor that matters the most while availing a business loan. Credit history is basically the statements of the previous loans and its repayment history. The credit rating is assigned by rating agencies…
credit score
How To Maintain Credit Score As An SME?
While applying for a business loan, all lenders check the Credit score of the businessman. The CIBIL or credit score is an important eligibility criterion. The loan lenders only approve the loan application if the business owner has a high…
How Can Late Payment Of Dues Affect CIBIL Report?
A CIBIL report or history is an important factor to get the loan sanctioned. Most loan lenders only offer loans to the borrowers with high CIBIL score as it shows the borrower is responsible and creditworthy. A credit or CIBIL…
Did You Know These Facts About Credit Score?
A credit score is one of the important loan requirements. All lenders check the credit score of the borrower before approving a loan. This makes goes without saying that a high credit score is a crucial loan eligibility criteria. In…
How Can Short Term Loans Help You Improve CIBIL Score?
Short term loans are availed for a short period of time, ranging from 6 months to 24 months. The short term loans are availed to meet short term needs of the business and are usually used to finance short goals.…